Sea of Thieves SDK  2.0.11
Sea of Thieves SDK Guide


SoT SDK Dump

FindPattern Signatures


89 0D ? ? ? ? 48 8B DF 48 89 5C 24
offset = address + 2
(UObject::GObjects)address + 6 + offset
48 8B 1D ? ? ? ? 48 85 ? 75 3A
offset = address + 3
((FName::GNames))(*)address + 7 + offset
48 8B 05 ? ? ? ? 48 8B 88 ? ? ? ? 48 85 C9 74 06 48 8B 49 70
offset = address + 3
(UWorld)(*)address + 7 + offset

Distance to Meter scale

The distance scale in UE4 is 100 units = 1m.
So distance between two FVector's * 0.01f = distance in meter
(You can also use / 100.f, but multiplication is faster than division and has no problems with 0)

auto DistanceScale = 0.01f;
auto distanceInMeter = UVectorMaths::Distance(cameraLocation, enemyLocation) * DistanceScale;

Actor Array location

Like in all other UE4 games, the actor array is in ULevel under offset 0xA0.
The SDK Generator can't find it, so it's always hidden in UnknownData bytes block.
It has to be fixed manually.
Create a second UnknownData that will be placed under the actor array, change the size of UnknownData00 and add the actor array.
UnknownData00 new size = AActors offset - UnknownData00 offset
UnknownData10 offset = AActors offset + AActors size
UnknownData10 size = ActorCluster offset - UnknownData10 offset


unsigned char UnknownData00[0xA0]; // 0x0028(0x00A0) MISSED OFFSET
class ULevelActorContainer* ActorCluster; // 0x00C8(0x0008)


unsigned char UnknownData00[0x78]; // 0x0028(0x0078) MISSED OFFSET
TArray<class AActor*> AActors; // 0x00A0(0x0010)
unsigned char UnknownData10[0x18]; // 0x00B0(0x0018) MISSED OFFSET
class ULevelActorContainer* ActorCluster; // 0x00C8(0x0008)

Get UAthenaGameViewportClient and PostRender address

auto AthenaGameViewportClient = UObject::FindObject<UAthenaGameViewportClient>("AthenaGameViewportClient Transient.AthenaGameEngine_1.AthenaGameViewportClient_1");
const size_t PostRenderIndex = 88;
const auto vmtPostRender = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t***>(AthenaGameViewportClient) + PostRenderIndex;

PostRender hook

typedef void(__thiscall *tPostRender)(UGameViewportClient* uObject, UCanvas* Canvas);
tPostRender OriginalPostRender;
// Function that got called at the end of rendering, perfect to draw our overlay
void HookedPostRender(UGameViewportClient* thisPointer, UCanvas* canvas)
// our code here (Overlay, ESP etc.)
OriginalPostRender(thisPointer, canvas);

Get UWord and GameInstance

auto uWord = AthenaGameViewportClient->World;
auto gameInstance = AthenaGameViewportClient->GameInstance;

ULocalPlayer, APlayerController and AAthenaPlayerCharacter from LocalPlayer


auto localPlayer = AthenaGameViewportClient->GameInstance->LocalPlayers[0];


// AthenaGameViewportClient->GameInstance->LocalPlayers[0]->PlayerController
auto playerController = localPlayer->PlayerController;


// AthenaGameViewportClient->GameInstance->LocalPlayers[0]->PlayerController->Pawn
auto localPlayerActor = (AAthenaPlayerCharacter*)playerController->Pawn;
// or
auto localPlayerActor = (AAthenaPlayerCharacter*)playerController->K2_GetPawn();


Two methods to get a font for engine drawing.

1. Find a font object by name

Available fonts / UFont names

Font Engine.Default__Font
Font Roboto.Roboto
Font RobotoDistanceField.RobotoDistanceField
Font RobotoTiny.RobotoTiny
Font RobotoMono.RobotoMono
Font MapFont.MapFont
Font RiddleMapFont.RiddleMapFont
Font Windlass.Windlass
Font PerfCounterFont.PerfCounterFont

To get a font:

auto font = UObject::FindObject<UFont>("Font Roboto.Roboto");

2. Get a font from the UEngine

Each UE4 game got an instance of the UEngine class with default fonts set. The UAthenaGameEngine class derives from UEngine.
Get a default font from UAthenaGameEngine:

auto font = AthenaGameEngine->MediumFont;

Check out the UEngine class in the SoT SDK dump for more fonts.


Name Reason
igromanru SDK Dump, this guide and most infromation
gummy8unny Open source external, Ship water level and many other contibutions
xyz12 Help with compilable SDK, public release and many other contibutions
Janck7 Bones dump, hints for some functions, his ReClass file
sotgamer91 TableMap pins, Levels array and other contibutions

Special thanks to the OSH Community

Name Reason
KN4CK3R SDK Generator and ReClass.NET
Dr.Pepper Help with SDK Generator, Unreal Engine, C++ and ASM
SilverDeath C++, ASM, Math and some UE SDK stuff
Jeon C++ and ASM